Trees help sustain life, provide a place of rest, and protection. They persevere and give without bragging. We see that Jesus Christ is the tree we can all go to for eternal life, infinite rest, and permanent protection. He endured the cross, giving his life for us. Our goal is to be like Christ.
Although trees help sustain life, provide a place of rest, and protection. Trees are not trying to do these things. All a tree is trying to do is reach for the light as extensively as possible. It has been written that Christ said,
JOHN 8:12 (KJV)
“I am the light of the world:”
Our primary focus, like the Tree, is to reach for the light (Jesus Christ) and everything that we are able to offer is simply a byproduct of that primary focus. Though challenging as it may be, we understand that even something as small and delicate as a blade of grass can push past something as tough as the concrete sidewalk. When, of course it reaches for the light. We invite you to join us.